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About Me :)

My Identity

- Spending time with people I am close with(friends & family), such as games

-watch shows to pass the time

-Cooking. I am a foodie


-Height. Still cannot overcome

-Mouse. The noises they make creep me out

-My parents

-my cousin, Haven

-My older brother, Tommy

-Beach. I find it really relaxing and calm being there

-Home. Very cozy

-Not really a place I don't want to belong to





-Thinking and Process fast

-Making people feel comfortable

-Early Childhood Educator

-Encourage closed ones around me whenever they are down

-Positive mindset

-Try to see the light in most situations

-Once a while, like to check in with friends to see how they are doing

-Received a lot of Thank You cards at placement

-I understand people's feelings and try to help them find the light in the situation

-tend to reflect on how I did after a certain task and like to evaluate myself. If I think did not do well, I will seek for better results next time

-On-time for important situations

-Well aware of the time

-Perfect attendance at school

-Very aware of my own feelings and desire. 

-can provide a reason behind my feelings

Top 5 Clifton Strengths

1. Relator

--the ability to create the right environment for people to feel comfortable enough to form close, honest and trusting relationships, which I think is very true. A lot of my friends feel comfortable enough to express their feelings and I always appreciate that.


-recognize and cultivate the potential in others or even myself. Encourage others to further develop to bring out the best in them.


-ability to seek uniqueness without the need for an assessment. This strength can also build team productivity because I always observe and notice people's behaviour so I tend to be able to figure out their positive asset to bring in a team


-I mentioned this strength on my vision board. Like I said, being able to connect to something or someone is just so wonderful. Connectedness find meaning, purpose and deeper relationships-



Tend to look back in time to understand the present. This resonates with me because, for something I did not understand in the past,  I would revisit that moment and try to make sense of things, Add meaning to the story or situation to the present.







I'm a fourth-year student at University of Guelph Humber. My program is Early Childhood Studies. 

Through the science of career success class, I was able to learn more about myself and deeper insight into different skills I need to own in order to make myself look professional in settings such as jobs and classrooms. Moreover, learned to think outside of the box and dive deeper into my thoughts. Overall, the course was very inspirational and raw

vision board.jpg

My Visi  n 

Passion to Paycheque

Here are some of my passions


->Graduate in 2021

->due to Covid-19, it will be difficult to apply for jobs


->get a car, will get a secondhand first


->quality me time


->visit my family back in my hometown, China, before I get busy with work


->Hangout with friends


->continue to spread positivity as an individual


->learn to play different kinds of instruments. For example, guitar 


->explore different cultural food


->depending on how much I like the environment at my workplace, I might consider switching to another daycare center


-will have a significant other


-my ideal age to get married is around 27 years old.


-attend concerts of my favourite bands with my friends


-buy a house with my significant other


-get a pet, dog or cat

-travel as much as I can


-get Lasik surgery


-Will be working as an ECE for 5+ years


-Plan for having children, possibly two


-Travel as much as I can 


-Visit my hometown; parents, grandparents and other relatives


-will be volunteering a lot 


-continue to make memories with my close one


-Maybe will considering opening my own daycare center


-cherish the moments I have with my parents


->Will be in the ECE field for 10+ years. Tons of experiences will be accumulated


-Taking children to school


-life will be busy with children around


-Travelling around with my children and my significant other. Teach them about diverse culture and perspectives


-stay in touch with my close ones


-Volunteer and giving back to the community


-begin to save up for retirement money


->build my own house


->Still enjoy life to the fullest like I did when I was in my 20s


-don’t be afraid to do what I desire


-my children will be in College or University


-my children will graduate from College or Univeristy already


-take the time to “be me” again


>Hang out with friends and continue to make memories together


->continue to explore and learn different kinds of instruments or sports


->visit my hometown, possibly stay there with my family for months


->visit all the places in my hometown with my family that  I have been to when I was younger


->continue to complete everything on my bucket list


-> will have lots of experience in the field of ECE by now


With my compiled experiences and professional assets. I will be qualified for the position.

Volunteer Experiences

Emerge Media Awards                                                                             April 2019

 106 King St E, Toronto, ON M5C 2E9

 • Guarded the stage and labelled awards 

• Helped with organizing and arranging the guests’ seats

 • Provided detailed information to the guests about the award show


Student Volunteer - Taste of Asia Food Festival                          June 2016 – 2017 

7113-7157 Kennedy Rd, Markham ON L3R 0N8

 • Translated to customers between Mandarin, English and Cantonese 

• Handed out event flyers 

• Provided concise information to customers about the event 

• Helped organizing outdoor equipment, chairs and tables 


Daycare/ Learning Jungle                                                                 June 2014-2015

 38 Greensborough Village Circle, Markham, ON L6E 0C7 3 

• Organized book and toy shelves 

• Provided children with educational activities 

• Performed hands-on-Hands skills on the children 


Student Volunteer/Wilclay Public School                                         Sept 2012-2013

 60 Wilclay Ave, Markham, ON L3S 1R4 

• Organized handouts for homework packages 

• Assisted Children with their needs

 • Helped the children practice their vocabularies



-can provide suggestions and in-depth details. So I know what to expect and watch out for when first entering the field. 

-can write a reference letter



Older Brother

-advise me what to look out for when doing interviews. For example, how I word my sentences

-how to make my resume look professional and eye-catching



-share experiences they may have at placements or at work


-support me with my decisions

Support Squad


Katie Begley

-One of my professors since year one, has interacted with me a lot. Know that I am always punctual for class and assignment submissions


-seen me interact with children at field-placement


Leanna Tuba

-Has been my professor for 4 years. Have seen me interact with children at field-placement

-Knows that I am a positive and bright person


Anita Lo

-My ex boss, but I have built a good connection with her. She knows I am very organized and willing to take initiative. 

-love my energy at work.


Elena Merenda

-My supervisor. Knows that I am a creative individual who likes to explore for different ideas


Marble Surface

Who- Myself

I Will be fulfiling my dream by myself majority of the time. In order to go further and take my dream to the next level, I will need a high degree of self-trust, which I got better at this year.

Marble Surface


Give me tips on forward-thinking and shaped me into a more mature individual. My mentor had taught me to dream bigger and not to be afraid of facing obstacles that I might encounter in the long run


Resource-Indeed or LinkedIn

-Give me the opportunity to explore at different career opportunites

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